SMG News and Blogs

Streamline Fundraiser brings in over $50,000!

Written by Streamline Media Group | Dec 4, 2020 3:28:05 PM

Streamline Media Group partnered with the non-profit organization,
No Kid Hungry, to present an 8-hour Twitch live stream on December 1st.

Organized by Streamline, and hosted by all-female variety streamers,
GP_TV, the Twitch community poured in contributions smashing our overall $10,000 goal within the first hour! The high energy generosity continued throughout the livestream event ending in a total of $25,650 raised, which will be matched 100% by CITI bringing the total to $51,300. As every $1 raised provides 10 nutritious and filling meals for kids, the effort will provide over half a million meals for children in need this holiday season.

“1 in 4 kids could face hunger in America this year. Non-profits like No Kid Hungry work all year round to provide food and support to kids and families in need. As one of those kids who benefited from these programs, I truly understand the direct impact they can have” said Alexander Fernandez, CEO of Streamline Media Group. “We are touched and extremely proud of our streaming team, and overwhelmed by the generosity of the communities we pulled together to support No Kid Hungry on ‘Giving Tuesday.’ Video games are built on communities, and as a billion dollar industry it is the least we can do to support and give back to the communities that built us. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you!

Streamline will keep the fundraising channel open to continue to support the No Kid Hungry ‘Be Extraordinary This Holiday Season’ campaign throughout the month of December.